Seneca Crossing Drive, Germantown, MD

Since we are having many birthdays a year, we are starting a separate page for Birthday Photos.

Happy Bithday Sophie...

What a good way to start the new year? We had three birthday celebrations so far. Happy Birthday Gavin, Tayjah, and Michael.....

Another glorious birthday celebration at Bright House. This time it is for Ruby…. Happy first birthday dear Ruby!

Look, Davida is Three !!! Happy Birthday Happy Girl!

Bright House Family Child Care

Bright House

Happy 1st Birthday Davida!!!

                     Family child care

What is better than "A Birthday?" Two birthdays!

We celebrated Ruby is 2!! and Emery is 3!!!

Photographs and web design: Enoka, Shawn, and Prabath

For information about web design, domain, and hosting, contact

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